You can help grow Green America’s work for generations to come with Planned Giving.
Planned giving, either through one’s will or a financial instrument, is a way to ensure that our work together for a more just and sustainable society continues into the future.
Include Green America in your will.
In your will, you may leave a specific amount or designate a certain percentage of your assets to Green America. You can also indicate assets of a particular type or reserve a portion of your estate that remains after taxes and expenses are paid. The following bequest language can serve as a guide for including Green America in your will:
- “I hereby bequeath to Green America, a non-profit corporation, headquartered in Washington, DC, and with a tax identification number 52-1660746, __________ (insert percentage of estate or dollar amount) to be used for general purposes as determined by the Board of Directors."
Also, Green America has recently partnered with FreeWill to give all of our supporters a free and easy way to make a legally valid will in 25 minutes or less. Making a will is one of the best ways to support the people you love and the causes you care about the most. Many people like to include a gift to Green America to be an important part of the transformation to a socially just and environmentally sustainable nation.
Designate Green America as a beneficiary.
Your life insurance, IRA, Donor Advised Fund, retirement plans, and some bank accounts allow you to name multiple beneficiaries. You can designate Green America as a full or partial beneficiary of your policies and accounts.
Green America's Legacy Circle
Please let us know if you have made a planned gift to Green America so we can thank you now for your legacy gift and invite you to join our Legacy Circle! You can choose to remain anonymous, and we always respect that choice. Legacy Circle members receive special updates, invitations to special events and webinars on social justice and sustainability topics, and recognition (with your permission) as a Legacy Circle member in our annual thank you ad published in our Green American magazine.
To discuss your planned giving options, or let us know you have already arranged for a gift to Green America, contact Kathy Harget, Director of Development & Organizational Advancement, 202-872-5330, kharget@greenamerica.org.