You can update your contact information using this online form.
Please include your old and new address and we will update our records.
You can update your contact information using this online form.
Please include your old and new address and we will update our records.
If you’ve received mail from us and you are not a Green America supporter, we may have received your name in a list exchange with another like-minded organization. We recommend you contact organizations that you have supported in the past and request they not exchange your information.
Green America is also happy to take your name and address and we will make sure we do not mail you again. Please use this online form. Include your name and address and a mention that you are not a donor and would no longer like to receive paper mailings from Green America. Please allow eight weeks for this request to take full effect.
Alternatively, you can contact the Direct Mail Association and be added to the National Do Not Mail List at www.dmachoice.org.
On all emails there is an unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email. We will then ask you if you would prefer to reduce the amount of email you receive. If you wish to unsubscribe all together, you will be provided this opportunity on this form.
Please consider switching your gift from credit card to direct debit. When you switch to direct debit we will deduct your contribution directly from your checking account. This switch is easy and it is the safest form of auto-payment. You will never need to update your payment info again because of expiration date. All we need is a bank account and routing number, which you can provide to a Member Services representative via phone (800-58-GREEN) or by mailing a voided check to:
Green America
Attn: Member Services
1612 K St NW, Ste. 1000
Washington, DC 20006
If you are not interested in direct debit, you can update your credit card information at any time. Use this online form for updating you monthly donation, use this form for updating annual recurring donations, or give us a call Monday through Thursday 9am-5pm EST at 800-58-GREEN.
All members with automatic payments (either monthly or annually) have the choice to receive digital, paper (100% post-consumer recycled), or both kinds of publications.
If you are already signed up for automatic payments and would like to go paperless, you can contact us using this online form.
If you want to sign up for automatic payments, you can do this by becoming a monthly sustainer or by choosing “Annual” or checking off "Go Paperless" on the donation form—which will sign you up for automatic annual renewal.
Green America does not rent, share, sell or trade supporter e-mail addresses and telephone numbers. We occasionally have third parties perform services on our behalf, such as data processing, marketing, analytics, billing, etc. These third parties have access to your personal information only as needed to perform their services for Green America and are contractually obligated to maintain the confidentiality and security of the personal information.
If you are a Green America member and you do NOT wish to have your information shared with third parties, please call us toll-free at (800) 584-7336 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EST, Monday through Thursday to speak to one of our Member Services representatives or email Members@GreenAmerica.org. It would be helpful if you had your Member ID available, as that will shorten the amount of time it takes to locate your member information.
If you are not a Green America member and you have provided personal contact information on our web site by signing up for a list, or sending us feedback, your information WILL NOT BE EXCHANGED.
See full privacy policy here.
All our financial information can be found here.
After you donate to the organization Green America mails you a paper copy of the tax-deductibility of the gift. Please keep this document for your tax records. In addition we mail paper copies of your total annual giving in January of the following year to all monthly donors and donors who have made a gift of $250 or more to the organization.
If you need replacement documentation please contact our Member Services department, and we will be happy to prepare the information you need.
Yes, we are grateful for your support! Please use this PayPal link to donate: https://paypal.me/GreenAmerica
Please contact our Member Services department and we can make your desired changes.
We are sorry for this inconvenience! Sometimes our mail gets sent before we’ve processed your donation. We appreciate your patience as we work on improving efficiency of our systems to reduce this problem.
Green America is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. A portion of your member donation goes to producing the wonderful member benefits including Your Green Life: Powered by Green America, Guide to Social Investing and Better Banking and the Green American magazine. Your donation also goes to support our amazing corporate responsibility campaigns. Together, we are curbing the climate crisis ... getting the dirtiest corporations to switch
to clean energy. We’re protecting millions of people ... taking the cancer-causing chemicals out of electronics and garment manufacturing. We are reinventing the way food is grown ... with regenerative agriculture that absorbs carbon, reduces toxic pesticides, and saves our soil!
Green America uses the power of consumer pressure, green business innovation, and the transformation of whole industries to shift our economy from destruction at every turn to one that protects the environment and human health.
Please read about our most recent victories. Check out our past year of success.
Unfortunately, there are no individual membership accounts for you to access online at this time. You can contact our Member Services department with any questions/issues about your membership.
Your ongoing, monthly contribution as a sustainer is what drives our organization. Because you have an automatically renewed membership as a monthly contributor, we don’t send you renewal notices and reminders, so in addition to saving paper and reducing waste on direct mail, more of your donation goes directly to our mission. You also have the option of receiving digital membership materials and will be first to know all about actions, meetups or other Green America events in your area through periodic newsletters and blasts.
Yes, as a first-time member if you receive our "Welcome Aboard Kit" and you are not 100% satisfied please contact us and we will send you a full refund.
If you have been mistakenly charged twice in our system, we will be happy to issue a refund. Having your user ID# (located on any of your renewal stubs) available when you contact Member Services will make this process most efficient.
Your gift is tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
Green America has done our best outline below, but please check with a tax professional to understand your donation’s full tax-deductibility.
For all first-time donations—all but $ 11.95 is tax deductible. Why is the full gift not tax deductible? The IRS requires us to account for the fair market price of Your Green Life: Powered by Green America($6.95) and Guide to Social Investing and Better Banking ($5.00) that is mailed to you as a donor gift.
For renewing donors, all but $6.95 of your gifts are tax-deductible.
For all additional gifts to the organization within a calendar year, they are 100% tax-deductible.
For recurring monthly donors, 100% of your annual donation is tax-deductible.
For donations of $250 or more, 100% of your annual donation is tax-deductible.
There is no required amount to become a member or renew your membership. Your gift is a donation and you set the amount.
We ask for whatever you’re comfortable giving. However, $35 is the standard amount that covers all of your publications (Green American Magazine, Guide to Socially Investing and Better Banking, Your Green Life) and other membership materials.
Green American Magazine: 3 times each year
Guide to Socially Responsible Investing and Better Banking: once a year
Green America's Your Green Life : once a year
You can find all items we have for sale on our website.
Alternatively, if you upgrade your Sustainer Membership with us today, we will send you a free insulated tumbler as a way of showing thanks for your support!
Yes, Green America is a 501(c)3 organization and can accept matching gift funds from your workplace giving program. Our EIN or tax-ID number is 52-1660746. If your employer has such a program, take advantage of it. If not, ask that they create one! If you need additional information, please contact us at info@greenamerica.org
There are several options for making a donation with the intention of honoring another individual.
Gifts can be made to Green America in honor of a couple’s commitment ceremony, wedding or anniversary. Please contact Stephanie Demarest at 202-872-5320 or Tribute[at]greenamerica.org and we can create a personalized online donation form for your special occasion.
We also have a gift membership program--great for birthdays, holidays or other special occasions! To donate on another person’s behalf, please visit our gift membership webpage.
If you would like to donate in memory of a loved one, please contact Stephanie Demarest at 202-872-5320 or Tribute[at]greenamerica.org. We will create a personalized memorial gift webpage for your loved one.
We’d be excited to have you! Please submit a short letter of interest to info@greenamerica.org indicating your strengths and what volunteer work you’d be interested in and we’ll get back to you. Green America is based in Washington, DC, but depending on what you’re interested in doing, we can potentially use your help no matter where you are.
Our EIN or Federal Tax ID Number is 52-1660746.
You can reach a Member Services representative by calling 800-58-GREEN (800-584-7336) or emailing info@greenamerica.org, or submitting the form through our website. Our Member Services representative is available between 9AM and 5PM Eastern time Monday through Thursday. If you email or leave a voicemail, you can expect a response within one business day.