Throughout our lives we're likely to spend $1 million or more. We each have a lot of economic power to move the economy in a greener direction.
First, we can choose not to purchase items we don't really need. On average, the American home has over 300,000 items in it. Many of those are never used. Before making a purchase, it's a great idea to really think about whether we need it. Many times the answer is no.
Second, we can shift our purchases in a greener direction. Look to purchase organic and local foods. Purchase clothing and furniture used. Shop at local stores that are owned by women or people of color. When we need to buy items new, check to make sure that they are truly green. Green America's Green Pages is a great place to find the greenest businesses in America.
Third, with the money we save from buying used and buying less, we have more money to invest in better banks and credit unions that invest in communities nationwide and in mutual funds that are divested from fossil fuels, private prisons, and sweatshops. That way we're saving for our retirement while creating a better world.