Latinx Heritage Month is a month-long celebration to honor the cultures and heritages of peoples of Latin American origin and descent.
Historically, the celebration only included Hispanic origin and descent, but has since adopted language inclusive to non-Spanish peoples of Latin America. Mid-September marks the beginning of Latinx Heritage Month because it is the anniversary of independence for several Latin American countries; several more independence days occur through mid-October.
The Latinx demographic is the largest minority in the US and continues to grow.The peoples’ food, music, beliefs, language, and culture have shaped our country over the decades. Latinx-owned businesses contribute $700 billion to the economy each year, according the US Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, and have grown at double the rate of all businesses across America.
The Green Business Network at Green America is proud to highlight Latinx-owned green businesses this month. We support businesses that adopt practices to protect people and the planet through goals of social and environmental justice, sustainability, and community health and development.
Here are some Green Business Network members that support Latinx Indigenous peoples or are Latinx-owned:
Minga Fair Trade Imports

Minga Fair Trade Imports is a small business out to help small businesses by promoting fair trade and intercultural communication. Minga sells all sorts of goods from artisans in Latin America.

INDIGENOUS offers luxury apparel inspired by the ancient traditions of Peruvian textile design. The eco-fashion company makes organic and fair trade clothing, and pays workers a fair, living wage in safe working conditions. INDIGENOUS also reinvests in community with microloans and grants.
Mayan Hands

Mayan Hands is a fair trade organization that provides economic and educational opportunities to Mayan women, supporting them in their quest to lift their families out of extreme poverty and live within the culture they cherish.
Shamans Market

Shamans Market offers fair trade products that support Indigenous peoples. Their Latin American product offerings come from Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, and Central America. Shamans Market also supports Amazon rainforest preservation, medical support to Indigenous peoples and preserving Indigenous wisdom by supporting Camino Verde and Amazon Promise.

Verbio is a multilingual communications and cross-cultural marketing company. Since 1996, Verbio has developed a full spectrum of services such as: translating written documents and technical training materials, interpreting on-site and remote conversations, plus customizing marketing campaigns, videos, and websites to target global markets in 200 languages.
Browse more certified green businesses that are Latinx-owned or support Hispanic and Latinx peoples by searching with the minority-owned filter on the National Green Pages.