Broad-Based Mutual Funds that Exclude Fossil-Fuel Companies by Policy
The Fund has divested its long positions in fossil-fuel companies in order to pursue a fossil-fuel free investment strategy.
This fund excludes fossil-fuel companies, and in 2009 became the first fund to release a carbon-footprint report of its holdings: 66 percent smaller than the S&P 500.
Since April 1, 2014, the Equity Fund is divested of all fossil-fuel companies. The fund already excluded coal and oil companies; Green Century has now screened out natural gas.
Green Century International Index Fund
The first responsible and diversified international index fund (that is fossil fuel-free) that invests in companies chosen for their outstanding environmental, social and governance (ESG) ratings in 22 developed countries.
These funds avoid companies engaged in the production, manufacturing, or refining of fossil fuels.
Green Alpha Investment Portfolios
Green Alpha Advisors believes that fossil fuels disrupt the economy and its underlying ecosystems, do not represent solutions, and have no place in Green Alpha portfolios.
Shelton Sustainable Equity Fund
Invests in companies that work to improve human well-being and increase economic efficiencies, while significantly reducing environmental risks
Low-fee index fund that invests in the top 500 biggest US companies, minus fossil fuels, and votes its shares in the remaining companies to encourage climate action.
Invests across the range of market capitalizations and economic sectors in companies that meet Trillium’s sustainability criteria. This strategy has no direct exposure to fossil fuels.
Clean Energy Mutual Funds
Impax Global Environmental Markets Fund
While excluding fossil fuels, this fund also invests in clean energy and energy efficiency, pollution control, waste management, and water infrastructure.
Community Development Mutual Funds (Fossil-Free)
Access Capital Community Investment Fund
Because of this fund’s focus on community investing, it is not invested in fossil fuel companies.
CCM Community Impact Bond Fund
The CRA Fund focuses on community development, including affordable housing, job creation, and redevelopment of blighted communities.
Green America assumes no legal or financial responsibility for the practices, products, or services of any businesses listed. Please read all materials carefully prior to investing.