original art by Rob Hanson
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Get everything you need from the green economy, and the green economy will flourish instead of sweatshops and corporate polluters. Though not all of these stores will exist in your local community, it's possible to find everything you need from the green economy through our Green Business Network online listings— you can look for shops that are close to you or that will ship wherever you are.
- Eco-Friendly Body Care Store: Soap, lotions, cosmetics, and other body care items made without toxic chemicals.
- Eco-Friendly Children’s Store: Green toys, games, and clothes for kids.
- Nontoxic Cleaners Retailer: All the cleaning power without the harmful chemicals.
- Organic, Fair Trade Clothing Store: Clothes made without toxins—and sweatshops.
- Fair Trade Store: Coffee, tea, home decor, and more, made or grown by workers paid a living wage and working in healthy conditions.
- Eco-Flooring Company: Eco-friendly and nontoxic carpets and hard flooring options.
- Green Restaurant and Grocer: Fresh, organic food that’s healthy for you and the planet.
- Eco-Furniture Store: Green furniture made from forest-friendly wood, recycled materials, organic fabrics, without toxins.
- Green Architect: For help building green, efficient, and renewable structures and homes.
- Green Home Improvement Store: Paints, stains, sealers, and more—sans harmful chemicals.
- Green Home Goods Store: Organic sheets and towels, nontoxic pots and pans, and more for a green home.
- Green Transportation Company: Get from A to B while minimizing your global-warming footprint.
- Eco-Travel Agent: Plan vacations that don’t burden the Earth or locals.
- Responsible Bank: Fair loans and financial services that help build up communities.
- Social Investing Financial Planner: For help incorporating socially responsible investing concerns into your portfolio.
- Green Office Supplies Store: Recycled paper, pens, folders, sticky notes, and more.